Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    Film Art

    Art film is said to have stopped their development after the end of the wave of a new generation of French filmmakers in the late 1960s first. Film find perfection in the hands of DW Griffith produced The Birth of A Nation and the hands of Sergei Eiseinstein The Battleship Potemkin produce, perfect film as a work of art. But among filmmakers and thinkers of art in France, the film is a work of art seriously be response and they are responsible to bring a new revolution against the film as an art form. From the birth of their auteur theory of film director is to see an author in the context of the film. French new wave director responsible for the production of films to overhaul and redefine the style and approach to making films that come out of the popular tradition of Holywood movies.

    After this wave, the world is producing the film art of good or evil only. But the real revolution in the art of film had been numb? Development of film art of thinking and ideology may have been long and hard frost, but a movie that combines the technology and the creative arts has grown worse with much develop digital computer technology. The development of digital technology has brought new ways of making art films, but also influences the audience tastes and thoughts. With the technology of computer generated images (CGI), only the boundaries of imagination of writers who are able to limit the ability of computer technology to make it a reality.

    Imagine if Jaws or Star Wars is produced when the CGI technology like this? However, digital technology in film industry today is the start of genius filmmakers like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. They are not only responsible for bringing technology to achieve high artistic standards, but is also responsible for revolutionizing film making and viewing this way. Today digital technology is not just to produce dinosaur or a statue of games, but they were going to produce a real human actors from fully computer.

    Shadow is no longer just a dream, but it will be real with the production of the film Final Fantasy, an episode of the science that tells how people on earth to respond to attack the alien to the world in 2065. Film issuance Columbia Pictures to spend more than U.S. $ 70 million will be be the first digital movie using digital actors in films such as Jurassic Park dinasour direction Steven Spielberg. The film combines instruction Hironobu Sakaguchi 200 animator and artist, and they have worked more than two years to menrealisisasikan film. Together they are the experts and digital effects which have voluntarily produce special effects films Titanic and The Matrix.

    What is the perfection of realism is achieved with the birth of The Final Fantasy, the future of man as an actor will also be threatened? In their cynical view the idea to create digital actors will be able to make semahal actor Mel Gibson will think twice to put a price on. This is because the price of producing "an" actor digital cheaper than the price of Mel Gibson of the U.S. $ 25 million for a film. Perhaps the birth of the Final Fantasy enough for Spielberg reassess He says that is not likely to digital technology could rival the ability of emotional and desah breath of a man who bled beefy actor. The Final Fantasy is probably still have some shortcomings to achieve a level of perfection he is realistic, but as dinasaur also produced by Spielberg in The Jurassic Park (1993), it will continue to be improved and strengthened.

    The development of film technology by taking advantage of a great growing sophistication of computer technology Digital will also be developed in Malaysia with the completion of the E-Village project initiated by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC). With the entertainment aspect of the rule-gemburkan digembar by other parties (the entertainment should also be seen in the broader context and not just cheap entertainment disinonimkan), E-Village will probably promised something quite significant to the country's film industry.

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Photos : 2009 Movies

    Transformes 2


    Julie and Julia


    Bride Wars

    Films review greeting - The Hurt locker Vs Avatar

    This site about to begin here. A lot of films was produced every year by a different variety genre like romance,comedy,thriller and fantasy. Last year we has seen that The Hurt Locker claim the best film for Academy Award defeat Avatar and others. It was a great success to Katherine Bigelow as she won a best director also the first woman to won the best director in Academy Award through her films The Hurt Locker.

    Without a doubt The Hurt Locker direct by Katherine Bigelow and screenplay was written by Mark Boal has beat Avatar to claim best movie. This film is about a war at iraq. it was shot at jordan closed to the iraq border. This film was release in America on June 26, 2009. This film was nominated for nine Acadamy Award and won six from it. It was a great succesful for Katherine Bigelow and her crew for her achievement.

    Avatar?..Avatar is 2009 epic science fiction movie directed by James Cameron which is ex-husband to Katherine Bigelow. This film is starring by Sam Wortington, Zoe Saldana and else.
    The budget to make this film is officially $237 million. The film broke box office records during became the highest-grossing film of all time ahead titanic. Cameron has state that maybe there are at least 2 sequel of Avatar will be coming soon..

    The Hurt Locker and Avatar have coloured the films industry for 2009 by a wonderful record. This was a sign of great achievement ahead of films industry around the world..Bye